Summer Camp

Dates: August 5-9 & August 12-16, 2024
Hours: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Cost: $850/week
Extended Day Available – arrange via Contact Us Form (link above).

Location: Temple Rodef Shalom
2100 Westmoreland Street, Falls Church VA

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  • Summer Camp VA
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  • Best Camps Northern Virginia

What is a typical day of camp like?  

Camp starts at 9:00 am with a carpool lane that usually occurs in front of the outdoor natural play space. The camp coaches are available to welcome your child to camp, assist them to get out of the car with their belongings, and to enter play with new friends. 

After some free playtime, a camp meeting is organized to share The Camp News describing the plan for the day and introducing the concepts behind P-O-W-E-R. Every day, a different letter and/or skill is emphasized in the daily plan. POWER skills across more specific social and emotional nuances within age appropriate topics are introduced to campers during break out discussion groups.

An active structured activity follows the meeting where the children will be given opportunity to practice social thinking, teamwork, recognizing their emotional state and adjusting their energy level. 

Snack typically follows and occurs inside or under a canopy of trees to cool down, rest and prepare for water play. Collaborative snack preparation activities may be facilitated to allow campers to practice problem solving, listening, following directions and “thinking of others”.  

During water play, shallow pools, water slides, and large bounce structures are available. Creek hikes, obstacle courses, and other sport-based activities are also offered. In addition, Mad Science and textured stations are available to explore as alternatives. 

Lunch follows and is typically held indoors in a picnic style manner. Campers gather in spontaneous groups to socialize with support provided as needed. 

After lunch, quieter structured activities are available in small groups. These may include board games, creating art, coloring, or sculpting within the IMAGINATION station. Other projects may include collaborating with a peer to perform in the weekly Talent Show or adding details to a graffiti wall, referred to as the “We” Wall, where campers can post information about themselves.

Extended day afternoon campers participate in additional structured activities to practice social thinking, teamwork, recognizing their emotional state and adjusting their energy level. These activities typically occur outside and within natural settings; however if the forecast is unfavorable, then indoor afternoon activities are planned. These may include relay races, small group discussions, watching short video clips that highlight a POWER skill or concept that fosters social intelligence, or engaging in problem solving challenges. Unstructured free time is also offered during the afternoon hours to allow campers to practice initiating play ideas, sustaining social play, and navigating the dynamic and unexpected interactive situations that spontaneously emerge while amongst peers.